Suddenly a big manta ray jumped out of the water very close to our dinghy, to dive back in again with a tremendous noise.

swimming with manta rays

For me it had been one of the first topics on my bucket list for a long time: swimming or diving with the majestic manta rays.

BEING IN THE NOW Limitless blue... the ocean and the sky, melting together as one at the horizon.


Limitless blue… the ocean and the sky, melting together as one at the horizon. I sink into a deep meditation spontaneously. Each time when we are sailing for a long time with only the ocean surrounding us,

Sailing in Langkawi, attractive sailing ground. countless pretty bays in stunning natural surroundings.

Sailing in Langkawi

When you are sailing in Langkawi you can understand why they call these islands the ‘Jewel of Kedah’: countless little islands covered with rainforest and aligned by white beaches creating a myriad of little passages

Penang temples

Even a snake Buddhist temple with real poisonous vipers on the shrine. This temple is dedicated to a Buddhist monk who seemed to attract snakes and took care of them.

Hermès and Sandra:

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We have spent enjoyable and wonderful time on your yacht. We appreciated your expertise on sailing , we felled safe.