Mindfulness by adventure

Mindfullness and self realisation will eventually lead us to a mindblowing insight. They can give us the knowledge to lead a happier and more worthwhile life. Does it always take tremendous efforts to become more mindfull?

Maar het prachtige eiland Kastelorizo, dat zo'n beetje geplakt ligt tegen de Turkse grens en omringd door Turkse eilandjes, komt toch heel langzaam dichterbij.

Warm welcome in Greece

Warm welcome in Greece
A beautiful blue sunlit sky while we are sailing along the south coast of Turkey to our first port in Greece: Kastelorizo.

By now we are pretty hungry and are happy to find some nice vegetarian food

Food market in Old Town, Phuket.

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By now we are pretty hungry and are happy to find some nice vegetarian food: vegetable rolls and a tasty dish with noodles, fresh vegetables